Brute Force Attack Tool For Mac

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Brute Force Attack Tool For Mac
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  2. Brute Force Attack Tool For Mac Pro
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  4. Brute Force Attack Tool For Macbook Pro
  5. Brute Force Attack Tool Mac
Brute Force Attack Tool For Mac

W3Brute - Automatic Web Application Brute Force Attack Tool Reviewed by Zion3R on 9:32 AM Rating: 5 Tags Attack X Brute Force X Brute Force Attacks X Detection X Linux X Mac X Python X Scanner X SQL Injection X Vulnerability X W3Brute. Download Brute Force Password Hacking Mac Software AirGrab Password PRO v.1.0.39 The AirGrab Password PRO allows you to create random passwords that are highly secure and extremely difficult to crack or guess due to an optional combination of lower and upper case letters, numbers and other symbols.

TrueCrack is a brute-force password cracker for TrueCrypt volumes. It works on Linux and it is optimized for Nvidia Cuda technology. It supports: PBKDF2 (defined in PKCS5 v2.0) based on key derivation functions: Ripemd160, Sha512 and Whirlpool. XTS block cipher mode for hard disk encryption based on encryption algorithms: AES, SERPENT, TWOFISH. Brute Force Attack Software For Mac This tool even runs on multi-platform: Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X. It works pretty fast and it is easy to use even if you have basic Windows skills. Ophcrack uses rainbow tables to brute force crack the Windows passwords. It contrasts MAC with hash functions or general encryption/decryption techniques and quantify the brute force attack difficulty for MAC and discuss the security requirements for MAC. The module also reviews two MAC implementations in Data Authentication Algorithm (DAA) and Cipher-Based MAC (CMAC), which are based on the use of block ciphers. Ophcrack is a brute force software that is available to the Mac users. However, the software is also available to the users on the Linux and Windows platform as well. With this software it is easy to crack NTLM and LM hashes as well as a brute force for simple passwords. Most Popular Software for 2016 – L0phtCrack. Download Bruter - Simple tool that can demonstrate the importance of enabling strong passwords for targets with sensitive content by running brute-force attacks.

The brute-force attack is still one of the most popular passwordcracking methods. Nevertheless, it is not just for password cracking.Brute-force attacks can also be used to discover hidden pages andcontent in a web application. This attack is basically “a hit and try”until you succeed. This attack sometimes takes longer, but its successrate is higher. In this article, I will try to explain brute-forceattacks and popular tools used in different scenarios for performingbrute-force attack to get desired results.

Brute-force attack when an attacker uses a set of predefined valuesto attack a target and analyze the response until he succeeds. Successdepends on the set of predefined values. If it is larger, it will takemore time, but there is better probability of success. The most commonand easiest to understand example of the brute-force attack is thedictionary attack to crack the password. In this, attacker uses apassword dictionary that contains millions of words that can be used as apassword. Then the attacker tries these passwords one by one forauthentication. If this dictionary contains the correct password,attacker will succeed.

In traditional brute-force attack, attacker just tries thecombination of letters and numbers to generate password sequentially.However, this traditional technique will take longer when the passwordis long enough. These attacks can take several minutes to several hoursor several years depending on the system used and length of password.

To prevent password cracking by using a brute-force attack, oneshould always use long and complex passwords. This makes it hard forattacker to guess the password, and brute-force attacks will take toomuch time. Most of the time, WordPress users face brute-force attacksagainst their websites. Account lock out is another way to prevent theattacker from performing brute-force attacks on web applications.However, for offline software, things are not as easy to secure.

Similarly, for discovering hidden pages, the attacker tries to guessthe name of the page, sends requests, and sees the response. If the pagedoes not exist, it will show response 404 and on success, the responsewill be 200. In this way, it can find hidden pages on any website.

Brute-force is also used to crack the hash and guess a password from agiven hash. In this, the hash is generated from random passwords andthen this hash is matched with a target hash until the attacker findsthe correct one. Therefore, the higher the type of encryption (64-bit,128-bit or 256-bit encryption) used to encrypt the password, the longerit can take to break.

A reverse brute-force attack is another term that is associated withpassword cracking. It takes a reverse approach in password cracking. Inthis, attacker tries one password against multiple usernames. Think ifyou know a password but do not have any idea of the usernames. In thiscase, you can try the same password and guess the different user namesuntil you find the working combination.

Now, you know that Brute-forcing attack is mainly used for passwordcracking. You can use it in any software, any website or any protocol,which do not block requests after few invalid trials. In this post, I amgoing to add few brute-force password-cracking tools for differentprotocols.


I am sure you already know about Aircrack-ng tool. This is a popularwireless password-cracking tool available for free. I also mentionedthis tool in our older post on most popular password cracking tools.This tool comes with WEP/WPA/WPA2-PSK cracker and analysis tools toperform attack on WIFi 802.11. Aircrack NG can be used for any NIC,which supports raw monitoring mode.

It basically performs dictionary attacks against a wireless networkto guess the password. As you already know, success of the attackdepends on the dictionary of passwords. The better and effective thepassword dictionary is the more likely it is that it will crack thepassword.

It is available for Windows and Linux platforms. It has also beenported to run on iOS and Android platforms. You can try on givenplatforms to see how this tool works.

Download Aircrack-ng from this link:

John the Ripper

John the Ripper is another awesome tool that does not need anyintroduction. It has been a favorite choice for performing brute-forceattack for long time. This free password-cracking software was initiallydeveloped for Unix systems. Later, developers released it for variousother platforms. Now, it supports fifteen different platforms includingUnix, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS. You can use this either toidentify weak passwords or to crack passwords for breakingauthentication.

This tool is very popular and combines various password-crackingfeatures. It can automatically detect the type of hashing used in apassword. Therefore, you can also run it against encrypted passwordstorage.

Basically, it can perform brute-force attack with all possiblepasswords by combining text and numbers. However, you can also use itwith a dictionary of passwords to perform dictionary attacks.

Download John the Ripper from this link:

Rainbow Crack

Rainbow Crack is also a popular brute-forcing tool used for passwordcracking. It generates rainbow tables for using while performing theattack. In this way, it is different from other conventionalbrute-forcing tools. Rainbow tables are pre-computed. It helps inreducing the time in performing the attack.

The good thing is that there are various organizations, which alreadypublished the pre-computer rainbow tables for all Internet users. Tosave time, you can download those rainbow tables and use in yourattacks.

This tool is still in active development. It is available for bothWindows and Linux and supports all latest versions of these platforms.

Download Rainbow Crack and read more about this tool from this link:

Cain and Abel

I am sure you have already heard the name of this password-crackingtool. It can help in cracking various kind of passwords by performingbrute-forcing attacks, dictionary attacks, and cryptanalysis attacks.Cryptanalysis attacks are done by using the rainbow tables as mentionedin the previous tool.

It is worth to mention that some virus scanners detect it as malware.Avast and Microsoft Security Essentials report it as malware and blockit in system. If it is in your system, you should first block yourantivirus.

Its basic functions:

  • Sniffing the network
  • Cracking encrypted passwords using Dictionary
  • Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks
  • Recording VoIP conversations
  • Decoding scrambled passwords
  • Recovering wireless network keys
  • Revealing password boxes
  • Uncovering cached passwords
  • Analyzing routing protocols.

The latest version of the tool has many features, and has added sniffing to perform Man in the Middle attacks.

Download Cain and Able from this link:


L0phtCrack is known for its ability to crack Windows passwords. Ituses dictionary, brute-force, hybrid attacks, and rainbow tables. Themost notable features of l0phtcrack are scheduling, hash extraction from64 bit Windows versions, multiprocessor algorithms, and networksmonitoring and decoding. If you want to crack the password of Windowssystem, you can try this tool.

Download L0phtCrack from this link:


Ophcrack is another brute-forcing tool specially used for crackingWindows passwords. It cracks Windows password by using LM hashes throughrainbow tables. It is a free and open-source tool. IN most of thecases, it can crack Windows password in few minutes. By default,Ophcrack comes with rainbow tables to crack passwords of less than 14characters, which contains only alphanumeric characters. Other rainbowtables are also available to download.

Ophcrack is also available as LiveCD.

Download Ophcrack from this link:


Crack is one of the oldest password cracking tools. It is apassword-cracking tool for the UNIX system. It is used to check weakpasswords by performing dictionary attacks.

Download Crack by using this link:


Hashcat claims to be the fastest CPU based password cracking tool. Itis free and comes for Linux, Windows and Mac OS platforms. Hashcatsupports various hashing algorithms including LM Hashes, MD4, MD5,SHA-family, Unix Crypt formats, MySQL, Cisco PIX. It supports variousattacks including Brute-Force attack, Combinator attack, Dictionaryattack, Fingerprint attack, Hybrid attack, Mask attack, Permutationattack, Rule-based attack, Table-Lookup attack and Toggle-Case attack.

Download Hashcat from this link:


SAMInside is another popular password-cracking tool for crackingWindows OS passwords. It is similar to the Ophcrack and Lophtcracktools. It claims to crack around 10 million passwords per second on agood computer. It supports various attacking methods including Maskattack, Dictionary attack, Hybrid attack and Attack with Rainbow tables.It supports over 400 hashing algorithms.

Download SAMInside from this link:


DaveGrohl is a popular brute-forcing tool for Mac OS X. It supportsall available versions of Mac OS X. This tool supports both dictionaryattacks and incremental attacks. It also has a distributed mode thatlets you perform attacks from multiple computers to attack on the samepassword hash. This tool is now open source and you can download thesource code.

Download DaveGrohl from this link:


Nrack is also a popular password-cracking tool for cracking networkauthentications. It supports various protocols including RDP, SSH,http(s), SMB, pop3(s), VNC, FTP, and telnet. It can perform differentattacks including brute-forcing attacks. It supports various platformsincluding Linux, BSD, Windows and Mac OS X.

Download Ncrack from this link:

THC Hydra

THC Hydra is known for its ability to crack passwords of networkauthentications by performing brute-force attacks. It performsdictionary attacks against more than 30 protocols including telnet,ftp, http, https, smb and more. It is available for various platformsincluding Linux, Windows/Cygwin, Solaris 11, FreeBSD 8.1, OpenBSD, OSXand QNX/Blackberry

Download THC Hydra from this link:

These are a few popular brute-forcing tools for password cracking.There are various other tools are also available which performbrute-force on different kinds of authentication. If I just give exampleof few small tools, you will see most of the PDF cracking, ZIP crackingtools use the same brute-force method to perform attacks and crackspasswords. There are many such tools available for free or paid.

Brute-forcing is the best password cracking methods. The success ofthe attack depends on various factors. However, factors that affect mostare password length and combination of characters, letters and specialcharacters. This is why when we talk about strong passwords; we usuallysuggest users to have long passwords with combination of lower-caseletters, capital letters, numbers, and special characters. It does notmake brute-force impossible but it makes brute-force difficult.Therefore, it will take a longer time to reach to the password bybrute-forcing. Almost all hash cracking algorithms use the brute-forceto hit and try. This attack is best when you have offline access todata. In that case, it makes it easy to crack, and takes less time.

Brute-force password cracking is also very important in computersecurity. It is used to check the weak passwords used in the system,network or application.

The best way to prevent brute-force attack is to limit invalid login.In this way, attack can only hit and try passwords only for limitedtimes. This is why web-based services start showing captchas if you hitthe wrong passwords three times or they will block your IP address.

There is a long list of password cracking tools which use brute-force or dictionary attack. I tried to list only a few of the best and most popular tools. If you think I missed some important tools, please let me know that in comments below. I will add those tools in the list to make this list better. I hope you enjoyed this article.

Speaking in laymen terms, a brute force attack typically is a hit-and-try attacking method. A set of predefined values is matched against data generated from attacking a target. The attack succeeds when a match between the two data sets is struck. Where most other sophisticated attacking and breaking techniques might fail, brute-force is something that will always give you a result.

The feasibility of using this, however, varies according to the predefined values that you use to test for a match, as well as the data set that is matched. If the data is too large or too complex, it is not feasible to use a brute-force attack since the computation time would be too large. Although many modern techniques have looked to usurp it, brute-force attacks still remain a basic method of attack.


  • Popular Tools for Brute-force Attacks

Popular Tools for Brute-force Attacks

Although brute force attacks are still primarily being used for password breaking, they have other applications in revealing hidden content and web pages in web applications. It is the most generic and successful password cracking tool at one’s disposal, but the issue is the computation overhead that comes along with. Nevertheless, here is a list of the popular tools for brute-force attacks that are available today:

  1. John the Ripper

John the Ripper is one of the most widely use brute force attack tool. It was originally developed for Unix systems but now supports over 15 platforms. It performs a brute force attack by combining all the text and numerical patterns to look for a match. It can even crack encrypted passwords as it can detect the hashing used in the encryption.

Brute Force Attack Tool For Mac Os

  1. Rainbow Crack

Rainbow Crack is an efficient tool for brute force attacks. It looks to minimize the time taken to search for a matching hash value when decrypting hashed passwords. It does so by using a rainbow table, which is a pre-computed table with the reverse hash values for the passwords. This means that the tool need not calculate the hash value at each attempt as it simply needs to refer to the rainbow table. Many organizations have provided pre-computed rainbow tables which can be downloaded from the internet. how to download coub videos However, there is the drawback of the table using a lot more space than any other brute-force tool.

  1. Cain and Abel

Cain and Abel is another brute force attack tool worth mentioning here. It is quite popular as it has different approaches to cracking a password like brute-force approach, dictionary attack, and Cryptanalysis attack. Dictionary attacks match the targeted password with all the known passwords while cryptanalysis attacks use the Rainbow table.

  1. Aircrack-ng

Brute Force Attack Tool For Mac Pro

This is one of the best wireless password cracking tools and is available free of cost. The approach use by Aircrack-ng is performing a dictionary attack against a wireless network for guessing the password. The feasibility again depends on the password dictionary used, and it supports Windows, Linux, iOS and Android platforms.

  1. Ophcrack

Brute Force Attack Tool For Mac Download

This is an open source, free tool used to crack windows passwords. It does so using LM hashes via the rainbow tables. It comes with a rainbow table that can be used to crack passwords containing alpha-numeric characters and which are less than 14 characters in length.


Brute Force Attack Tool For Macbook Pro

Despite other techniques that aim to decrease the computation time for successful password cracking, brute-force still remains a popular technique. It can be used on any sort of passwords, with only its computation time and efficiency being hampered by the complexity of the passwords.

Brute Force Attack Tool Mac

It is also a great technique to test against weak passwords as the time taken for a successful brute-force attack against a password can give information about its strength. This list provides you some of the most popular tools for brute-force attacks.