Federal Reserve Serial Number Lookup

Currency in Circulation: Value
On Federal Reserve Notes, each serial number has a prefix letter that indicates which of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks issued the note: A: Boston, Mass. D: Cleveland, O. G: Chicago, Ill. J: Kansas City, Mo. If a sheet of notes was damaged or destroyed, it was replaced by a Replacement sheet. Replacement sheet notes are identified by a. (star) next to the serial numbers. 1934 Notes with yellow or brown seals are WW II emergency money, issued either for Hawaii or North Africa. See the FAQ for more information on various currency types and their use.
(in billions of dollars, as of December 31 of each year)
Year | $1 | $2 | $5 | $10 | $20 | $50 | $100 | $500 to $10,000 | Total |
2019 | $12.7 | $2.7 | $15.8 | $20.9 | $190.5 | $92.3 | $1,424.7 | $0.3 | $1,759.8 |
2018 | $12.4 | $2.5 | $15.3 | $20.1 | $188.5 | $89.2 | $1,343.5 | $0.3 | $1,671.9 |
2017 | $12.1 | $2.4 | $14.8 | $19.6 | $183.8 | $86.4 | $1,251.7 | $0.3 | $1,571.1 |
2016 | $11.7 | $2.3 | $14.2 | $19.2 | $177.2 | $83.5 | $1,154.8 | $0.3 | $1,463.4 |
2015 | $11.4 | $2.3 | $13.7 | $19.0 | $171.3 | $79.8 | $1,082.2 | $0.3 | $1,380.0 |
2014 | $11.0 | $2.2 | $13.1 | $18.9 | $162.2 | $76.9 | $1,014.5 | $0.3 | $1,299.1 |
2013 | $10.6 | $2.1 | $12.7 | $18.5 | $155.0 | $74.5 | $924.7 | $0.3 | $1,198.3 |
2012 | $10.3 | $2.0 | $12.2 | $17.7 | $148.9 | $72.5 | $863.1 | $0.3 | $1,127.1 |
2011 | $10.0 | $1.9 | $11.8 | $17.2 | $141.1 | $69.6 | $782.6 | $0.3 | $1,034.5 |
2010 | $9.7 | $1.8 | $11.5 | $16.6 | $130.6 | $66.9 | $704.6 | $0.3 | $942.0 |
2009 | $9.6 | $1.7 | $11.2 | $16.2 | $127.5 | $65.3 | $656.4 | $0.3 | $888.3 |
2008 | $9.5 | $1.7 | $11.0 | $16.3 | $125.1 | $64.7 | $625.0 | $0.3 | $853.2 |
2007 | $9.3 | $1.6 | $10.8 | $16.2 | $121.8 | $63.0 | $569.3 | $0.3 | $792.2 |
2006 | $9.0 | $1.5 | $10.5 | $16.0 | $119.2 | $62.8 | $564.1 | $0.3 | $783.5 |
2005 | $8.8 | $1.5 | $10.3 | $15.5 | $115.4 | $62.1 | $545.0 | $0.3 | $758.8 |
2004 | $8.3 | $1.4 | $9.8 | $15.1 | $107.6 | $60.6 | $516.7 | $0.3 | $719.9 |
2003 | $8.2 | $1.3 | $9.7 | $15.1 | $107.8 | $59.9 | $487.8 | $0.3 | $690.2 |
2002 | $8.0 | $1.3 | $9.4 | $14.9 | $103.7 | $58.5 | $458.7 | $0.3 | $654.8 |
2001 | $7.8 | $1.3 | $9.2 | $14.7 | $100.9 | $57.0 | $421.1 | $0.3 | $612.3 |
2000 | $7.7 | $1.2 | $8.9 | $14.5 | $98.6 | $55.0 | $377.7 | $0.3 | $563.9 |
1999 | $7.5 | $1.2 | $9.0 | $16.2 | $116.1 | $64.7 | $386.2 | $0.3 | $601.2 |
https://teesever284.weebly.com/blog/burmese-font-download-for-mac. Includes Federal Reserve notes, U.S. notes, and currency no longer issued.